While the grey wolf (Canis lupus lupus) is often feared by humans, a new Austrian study published in Frontiers in Psychology shows that it has similar social skills to the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris).
According to the two researchers behind this work, the bonds between wolves probably laid the foundations for the relationship between dogs and humans.
Couldn’t the wolf also be man’s best friend?
By observing the behaviour of 27 animals bred in captivity (15 dogs and 12 wolves) at the Wolf Science Centre in Ernstbrunn (Austria), the scientists noted that « wolves pay as much attention to humans and their fellow creatures as dogs do, and can even surpass them in learning by observing a conspecific« .
Specifically, the researchers asked the animals to carry out several tasks in order to assess their level of attention and tolerance, characteristics that are essential for cooperation. One of these tasks was aimed at understanding how animals learn from their fellow creatures. The dogs and wolves had to observe a fellow animal as it opened a box and then imitate the gesture. « The wolves all succeeded in opening the box, while only 4 of the 15 dogs did« , they explain. they explained.
In other tests, wolves performed as well as dogs, showing that they have similar social skills. On the other hand, the researchers state that « dogs co-operate more easily with humans, because they more readily accept the presence of humans as social partners« .
According to an article by Science & Avenir
Artificial intelligence translation of a text by Science & Avenir
Click here to read the French version
An article which, while it doesn’t really add anything new, does provide some interesting details.
association Le Klan du Loup